
Contoh Cv Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Yang Menarik

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  Contoh CV Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris - CV yaitu abreviasi dari Curiculum Vitae disebut juga Daftar Riwayat Hidup Adalah sebuah dokumen atau berkas berkas yang berisi segala pengalaman seseorang atau kualifikasi lain nya, dimana wujud nya yaitu Surat lamaran pekerjaan yang notabennya yaitu sebuah syarat untuk mengalamar sebuah pekerjaan, baik itu di perkantoran, di perusahan milik negara (BUMN) atau bahkan di luar negeri.

  Dalam membuat surat lamaran kerja ada baik nya kita menulis nya dengan kata kata yang sopan, tidak terlalu berlebihan dan juga gampang di pengerti oleh para penginterview, Kan lucu juga kalo surat lamaran nya berisi Bahasa 4L4Y, boro boro nanti di terima, gres buka surat nya aja niscaya eksklusif di tutup lagi :p

  Jika anda ingin Contoh CV lamaran kerja bahasa inggris terbaik, terimakasih alasannya yaitu sudah baca artikel ini, Mungkin teladan yang saya share ini jauh dari kata tepat tapi saya telah berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk membuat teladan nya jauh dari kata gak baik, yang arti nya berarti baik kan ? Iya berdasarkan saya ! berdasarkan saya menarik kok. Berikut ini yaitu Contoh CV Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan juga terbaru, biar beneran menarik, lengkap ! :

 Contoh Curiculum Vitae (daftar riwayat hidup)
 Berikut ini yaitu teladan daftar riwayat hidup :


Personal Data
  • Full Name: Habdilah   
  • Place Date of Birth: Cirebon, 21 February 1992   
  • Gender: Male   
  • Marital Status: Not Married   
  • Last Education: STMIK Technical Computer Network   
  • Address: Village Cikeduk subdistrict, Depok, Cirebon.   
  • No. Mobile: 0897-3219-123 

Formal Education   
  • 1998 - 2004: SDN 1 Cikeduk   
  • 2004 - 2007: Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 Sindang JAVA   
  • 2007 - 2010: Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 1 CIREBON  
  •  2010 - 2014: S2 Engineering Computer Networking

 Organizational experience   
  • March 2009 - June 2009: Member of Web Design   
  • January 2010 - January 2011: Vice Chairman of the ICT Students Association   
  • July 2011 - June 2012: Chairman of Extracurricular Web Design   
  • July 2012 - June 2013: Chairman of the Indonesian Association of MRPL 
Work experience   
  • January 2010 - September 2011: Web Design in desain123.co.id

 Similarly, the resume I created with truth and truth can be accounted for.
 (...Ttd... )

Contoh CV Surat Lamaran Kerja Marketing dan Sales
    March 20, 2014
Box 4610
Mayzura Ezye
25 Jump Street
Killesons, N.Y. 11451

I enclose my resume in response to your advertisement last Ever Sales in Rochester Herald on Sunday, August 17.

My background is sales / marketing including an eight-year association with Larc Shop Inc., where I was in charge of developing the New England region. This involved recruiting, marketing, and working with the sales force. It was also my responsibility to develop and implement sales / marketing plans and strategies in support of field sales efforts.

I am now working as Sales Manager of Jacky and Jacky, Inc., a manufacturer of electronic goods. I was excited to get back to the electronics industry.

In my current position, I am calling, selling, service and mass Merchandisers, retail chains, department stores, and military exchanges. I achieved success in these and other related activities, and enjoy good relations and the reputation developed through my ability to communicate and collaborate with people at all levels.

I am a results-oriented manager who likes to travel and work with people, motivate them, and develop their skills to their full potential. It would be difficult to indicate every area of ​​expertise in my resume; Therefore, I would appreciate meeting you to discuss my qualifications for this position in more detail.

I can be contacted at the phone number above to arrange an appointment for an interview.


Mayzura Eyzie

Contoh CV Surat Lamaran Kerja IT Informasi Teknologi Komunikasi 
    27 JULI 2014
Personnel Director
PT. Agrea IT
Nursepi street
Sumber - Cirebon

Honey Personnel Director:
I am a graduate student in Computer Science at the University of Gajah Mada, and I will be given an MS degree in August 2014. Currently I am looking for a position related to Database / Graphic Design Packaging in the research and development department of a large company.

Before coming to the University of Gajah Mada, I am designing, supervising, and completing CAD system. These functions include vector, character and curve generation, windowing, shading, Manipulation, Illustration and transformation.

In Nusantara Jaya, my research work involves Compilation of Relational Queries into Network DML. To improve my background, I have taken several courses in computer graphics and databases, and I have experience in and understanding of database design. With this strong background, I certainly believe that I am competent to fulfill challenging tasks and can provide a good contribution to your company.

Enclosed is my resume, which shows in detail my pelatihan and experience. I really hope that my qualifications be of interest to you and that the interview may be arranged at your convenience.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Ahmad Lani
 Contoh CV Surat Lamaran Kerja BUMN / BANK
21 Cirebon, West Java 
Phone: (021) 5324 (Home); 085224000 (Mobile) 
Email: mul@example.com 

   Professionals Profile A senior manager who has the dedication and achievement orientation in the business success of the company. He has created many marketing strategies that have an impact on the growth of the company's assets.Experienced in working with many of the leading brands in the automotive retail industry and competitive manner. Has excellent capacity to lead and has worked at the company for a long period of time. Has an excellent system of thought, interpersonal skills, communication smooth, good negotiation skills and a great ability to develop and maintain internal and external relationships to be mutually beneficial.

Enjoyed every working environment and team collaboration system has a very structured and well. 

Career Summary
 2010-2013 Indonesian Tire LTDInterim Network Development ManagerPerform project management redevelopment of retail sales in the Indonesian market strategy that aims to expand the market of automotive industry70% in one yearDeveloping an online automotive marketing sitesWorking closely with many automotive companies to develop a marketing networkActively engaged in the retail store concept renewalsDeveloping staff and moving instantly to form an automotive company academy2010-2013 JBL GROUP2013-2014 Managing Director, JBL Contacts LtdHave full responsibility for the establishment and management of new business in any branch Actively involved in the provision of marketing services to consumers in many branches of companies.

Collaborate well with professionals and third parties in order to increase the company's network Perform organization management software for employeesIntroducing a range of services and facilitate specialized companies 24 hour service for consumers

 2004-2007 Director of Operations

Provide management and support to staff so that they achieve maximum performance in the workplace Provide facilities for staff so that they are able to create excellent customer serviceMaintain full benefits and accountability of losses up to $ 5 million and then achieve revenue growth of more than 10% each yearImprove marketing management for companies and reduce lossesAllows increase of 5% of the actual gross margin in the year through the implementation of the work of staff incentive schemes.

Education and Qualifications 

Economic Management CFR S-2 Level University

 Professional Development
  • Development of Software Engineering Management
  • Effective management industry
  • Management Skills Marketing
  • Assessment Management Training
  • Presentation Skills through High Technology
  • Team Work Building
  • Finance for Non-financial Managers
  • Creativity Training

IT Skills

  • Internet, 
  • MS Word, 
  • MS Excel, 
  • MS Access, 
  • Power Point. 
Personal Data 
  • Driving License: Full / Clean 
  • Health: Excellent 
  • Interests: Computers, Fishing
 Nah itulah Contoh CV bahasa inggris, harap di maklum kalau teladan nya sedikit alasannya yaitu tidak banyak, why ? why itu mengapa ? alasannya yaitu sudah usang rasanya saya gak pernah update blog ini, jadi masih ada rasa males buat nulis, disisi lain juga terasa di dalam hati yang paling dalam rasa sedih, di mana akhir-akhir ini blog saya ini tidak terurus, tapi bagaimana pun saya merasa sangat bahagia bisa nulis, di sini lagi untuk menyebarkan gosip yang mungkin bermanfaat. thanks.

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